"The Next Protection Report Should Tell the US to Defend Intellectual Property." The Hill October 5, 2025.
"The Next Protection Report Should Tell the US to Defend Intellectual Property." The Hill October 5, 2025.
"Trump's Old Study Doesn't Justify Reciprocal Tariffs, So Now He Wants a New One." The Hill February 19, 2025.
"Trump's Old Study Doesn't Justify Reciprocal Tariffs, So Now He Wants a New One." The Hill February 19, 2025.
"US Agriculture Exporters Need Trump to Play Offense on Trade Policy." Wilson Center January 10, 2025. (with Lelia E. Busch)
"US Agriculture Exporters Need Trump to Play Offense on Trade Policy." Wilson Center January 10, 2025. (with Lelia E. Busch)
"US Wins its GMO Corn Case Against Mexico, But in Front of the Wrong Court." The Hill December 24, 2024.
"US Wins its GMO Corn Case Against Mexico, But in Front of the Wrong Court." The Hill December 24, 2024.
"Trump Doesn't Need Tariffs to Promote US Manufacturing--He Just Needs 'Mode 5'." The Hill December 6, 2024.
"Trump Doesn't Need Tariffs to Promote US Manufacturing--He Just Needs 'Mode 5'." The Hill December 6, 2024.
"Trump's Getting Harley-Davidson's Story Wrong: It's Not About Tariff Skipping." The Hill October 24, 2024.
"Trump's Getting Harley-Davidson's Story Wrong: It's Not About Tariff Skipping." The Hill October 24, 2024.
"Canada's Tariff on China's Electric Vehicles is All About US Politics." The Hill September 20, 2024.
"Canada's Tariff on China's Electric Vehicles is All About US Politics." The Hill September 20, 2024.
"Shifting Focus on Labor and Environmental Standards to Companies Instead of Countries Would Supercharge AGOA." Wilson Center July 30, 2024.
"Shifting Focus on Labor and Environmental Standards to Companies Instead of Countries Would Supercharge AGOA." Wilson Center July 30, 2024.
"US Trade Rep Retreats from Defending American Intellectual Property Rights Abroad." Wilson Center June 5, 2024.
"US Trade Rep Retreats from Defending American Intellectual Property Rights Abroad." Wilson Center June 5, 2024.
"How Blockchain Can Make Farm-to-Fork Meat Sourcing Transparent and Fair." The Hill January 19, 2024.
"How Blockchain Can Make Farm-to-Fork Meat Sourcing Transparent and Fair." The Hill January 19, 2024.
"Let the Watchdogs Decide if a Foreign if a Foreign US Steel Sale Works for America." The Hill December 30, 2023.
"Let the Watchdogs Decide if a Foreign if a Foreign US Steel Sale Works for America." The Hill December 30, 2023.
"The US May be the Loser in Europe's Case Against China's Electric Vehicles." The Hill September 22, 2023.
"The US May be the Loser in Europe's Case Against China's Electric Vehicles." The Hill September 22, 2023.
"US Survey of Global Intellectual Property Goes Silent on Compulsory Licenses." DC Journal June 6, 2023.
"US Survey of Global Intellectual Property Goes Silent on Compulsory Licenses." DC Journal June 6, 2023.
"The Case Against Banning US Exports of Liquified Natural Gas to China." The National Interest March 26, 2023.
"The Case Against Banning US Exports of Liquified Natural Gas to China." The National Interest March 26, 2023.
"Seventeen Seconds that could Spell the End of International Intellectual Property Rights." The Hill March 11, 2023.
"Seventeen Seconds that could Spell the End of International Intellectual Property Rights." The Hill March 11, 2023.
"The US Doubles Down on National Security at the World Trade Organization." The Hill February 3, 2023.
"The US Doubles Down on National Security at the World Trade Organization." The Hill February 3, 2023.
"Despite Bipartisan Support, Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Should Not Be a US Trade Priority." The Hill January 19, 2022.
"Despite Bipartisan Support, Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Should Not Be a US Trade Priority." The Hill January 19, 2022.
"Why the US Should Help the Gulf States Negotiate a Trade Deal With the UK." The Hill November 27, 2022.
"Why the US Should Help the Gulf States Negotiate a Trade Deal With the UK." The Hill November 27, 2022.
"China's Plan to Expand the TRIPs Waiver Threatens US National Security." Washington Times November 24, 2022.
"China's Plan to Expand the TRIPs Waiver Threatens US National Security." Washington Times November 24, 2022.
"The China Tariffs Have Failed Economically, Politically and Legally." The Hill October 10, 2022. (with Dan Trefler)
"The China Tariffs Have Failed Economically, Politically and Legally." The Hill October 10, 2022. (with Dan Trefler)
"To Combat Forced Labor, the US Needs More Trade With Developing Countries, Not Less." The Hill August 20, 2022.
"To Combat Forced Labor, the US Needs More Trade With Developing Countries, Not Less." The Hill August 20, 2022.
"South Africa Just Filed its First-Ever WTO Case -- But it's Not Obvious it Wants to Win." The Hill August 7, 2022.
"South Africa Just Filed its First-Ever WTO Case -- But it's Not Obvious it Wants to Win." The Hill August 7, 2022.
"Congress Should Say No to NOPEC, Counterproductive Legislation Does More Harm than Good." International Business Times June 12, 2022.
"Congress Should Say No to NOPEC, Counterproductive Legislation Does More Harm than Good." International Business Times June 12, 2022.
"With US-UK Trade Agreement Stalled, Boris Johnson Looks to Strike Deals with States." The Hill June 7, 2022.
"With US-UK Trade Agreement Stalled, Boris Johnson Looks to Strike Deals with States." The Hill June 7, 2022.
"Macron's Election Will Give EU Agricultural Protectionism a Boost of Adrenaline." The Hill April 29, 2022.
"Macron's Election Will Give EU Agricultural Protectionism a Boost of Adrenaline." The Hill April 29, 2022.
"The Six Trade Disputes That Could Imperil American Exports for Years to Come." The Hill February 5, 2022.
"The Six Trade Disputes That Could Imperil American Exports for Years to Come." The Hill February 5, 2022.
"Will Europe Retaliate for Congress's Proposed Electric Vehicle Tax Credits? Don't Bet Against It." The Hill December 11, 2021.
"Will Europe Retaliate for Congress's Proposed Electric Vehicle Tax Credits? Don't Bet Against It." The Hill December 11, 2021.
"How India--Not China--Will Steal the Show at the Upcoming Trade Conference." The Hill November 15, 2021.
"How India--Not China--Will Steal the Show at the Upcoming Trade Conference." The Hill November 15, 2021.
"Are the 'Baptists' or 'Bootleggers' Calling the Shots in Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Debate?" The Hill October 31, 2021.
"Are the 'Baptists' or 'Bootleggers' Calling the Shots in Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Debate?" The Hill October 31, 2021.
"The Futility of 'Product of USA' Labeling in a World of Global Supply Chains." The Hill July 17, 2021.
"The Futility of 'Product of USA' Labeling in a World of Global Supply Chains." The Hill July 17, 2021.
"US Should Challenge Mexico's Ban on Glyphosate and Genetically-Modified Corn at the WTO." The Hill March 27, 2021.
"US Should Challenge Mexico's Ban on Glyphosate and Genetically-Modified Corn at the WTO." The Hill March 27, 2021.
"Protectionism Isn't the Answer to Securing the US Semiconductor Supply Chain." The Hill March 7, 2021.
"Protectionism Isn't the Answer to Securing the US Semiconductor Supply Chain." The Hill March 7, 2021.
"Biden Administration Must Settle Unwinnable WTO Cases Over Steel and Aluminum Tariffs." The Hill February 22, 2021.
"Biden Administration Must Settle Unwinnable WTO Cases Over Steel and Aluminum Tariffs." The Hill February 22, 2021.
"Biden's Trade 'Reset' Depends on What Happens With Trade Promotion Authority." The Hill January 25, 2021.
"Biden's Trade 'Reset' Depends on What Happens With Trade Promotion Authority." The Hill January 25, 2021.
"Europe's Push for an Animal Welfare Label Risks an Epic Trade Dispute." The Hill December 29, 2020.
"Europe's Push for an Animal Welfare Label Risks an Epic Trade Dispute." The Hill December 29, 2020.
"Biden Must Do Better Than Trump's Tariffs in Challenging China on Intellectual Property." The Hill November 7, 2020.
"Biden Must Do Better Than Trump's Tariffs in Challenging China on Intellectual Property." The Hill November 7, 2020.
"Congress Should Retire, Not Reform, the Generalized System of Preferences." The Hill September 15, 2020.
"Congress Should Retire, Not Reform, the Generalized System of Preferences." The Hill September 15, 2020.
"Europe and the US Should Remember Their Rose Garden Intellectual Property Pledge." New Atlanticist July 27, 2020.
"Europe and the US Should Remember Their Rose Garden Intellectual Property Pledge." New Atlanticist July 27, 2020.
"Lighthizer's Tariff 'Reset' Would Dramatically Change the Politics of US Trade Remedies." The Hill June 21, 2020.
"Lighthizer's Tariff 'Reset' Would Dramatically Change the Politics of US Trade Remedies." The Hill June 21, 2020.
"Is Trump Encouraging the World's Use of National Security as Stealth Protectionism?" The Hill June 1, 2020.
"Is Trump Encouraging the World's Use of National Security as Stealth Protectionism?" The Hill June 1, 2020.
A "Buy American" Rule is Counterproductive to Fight Coronavirus." New York Daily News March 19, 2020.
A "Buy American" Rule is Counterproductive to Fight Coronavirus." New York Daily News March 19, 2020.
"Why It's Important to Bring IP Back Into US-Japan Deal." International Business Times February 4, 2020.
"Why It's Important to Bring IP Back Into US-Japan Deal." International Business Times February 4, 2020.
“The Best Way for the US and China to End the Trade War.” CNN Business May 10, 2019. (with John Kasich).
“The Best Way for the US and China to End the Trade War.” CNN Business May 10, 2019. (with John Kasich).
“Trump Claims That a National Security Exception Allows Him to Block Imports. Is He Right?" The Washington Post Monkey Cage, January 11, 2019.
“Trump Claims That a National Security Exception Allows Him to Block Imports. Is He Right?" The Washington Post Monkey Cage, January 11, 2019.
“What Trump’s Trade War Could Mean for the WTO and Global Trade.” Harvard Business Review 7 June, 2018.
“What Trump’s Trade War Could Mean for the WTO and Global Trade.” Harvard Business Review 7 June, 2018.
“Yes, the TPP Agreement is Over 5,000 Pages Long. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing.” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, August 2, 2016. (with Krzysztof Pelc)
“Yes, the TPP Agreement is Over 5,000 Pages Long. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing.” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, August 2, 2016. (with Krzysztof Pelc)
“Executives Need to Know How Trade Deals Shape Their Markets.” Harvard Business Review 13 October, 2016.
“Executives Need to Know How Trade Deals Shape Their Markets.” Harvard Business Review 13 October, 2016.
“From Ohio to Geneva: Did Reckless US Pandering Trigger Chinese Retaliation at the WTO?” China-US Focus October 1, 2012.
“From Ohio to Geneva: Did Reckless US Pandering Trigger Chinese Retaliation at the WTO?” China-US Focus October 1, 2012.
“The Case Against a China Currency Case.” The American: Journal of the American Enterprise Institute 7 October 2010. (with Philip I. Levy)
“The Case Against a China Currency Case.” The American: Journal of the American Enterprise Institute 7 October 2010. (with Philip I. Levy)
Written Submission, COVID-19 Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Supply, Demand, and TRIPS Agreement Flexibilities, US International Trade Commission Investigation No. 332-596, March 29, 2023.